About us
Rob Haley has over 12 years’ experience solving thermal bridging problems in the building envelope. Prior to starting Thermal Bridging Solutions, Rob was a partner at Armadillo NV. There, he was responsible for the research, development and marketing of Armatherm™ thermal break materials. During this time, he received a US patent for a thermal break Z girt cladding attachment.
He is a member of IIBEC, BETEC, PHIUS and is a reviewer of the ASHRAE 90.1 addendum av. This addendum is addressing heat loss due to thermal bridging which is not currently regulated by the standard. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Northeastern University.
Rob was the engineering and marketing manager at Fabreeka International where he worked for 28 years specializing in vibration isolation for industries from mining to aerospace. He worked on several major aerospace test programs for the Hubble and James West space telescopes.
The dynamics of structural connections in buildings led Rob to investigate the existence of thermal bridging in commercial construction. In 2012, prior to leaving Fabreeka, he developed the first structural thermal break material for bolted, steel connections offered in North America, Fabreeka-TIM®.
He has a keen interest in thermal modeling and hygrothermal analysis which look at the effects of thermal bridging due to heat and air movement in building wall and roof assemblies. His goal is to help keep the heat in and push the dew point out by developing thermal bridging solutions that create a more energy efficient thermal envelope.
Rob enjoys helping others and giving back to his community and has been a member of his local Lions Club for over ten years.